Thank you Uncle Sam

So my husband and I decided split up our tax return this year and pay off his car, put some money in savings and then split the rest.  I took my  money and of course bought kimono related items!  Since acquiring the ro kimono last summer I’ve been dying to get my hands on another one but never found one I really liked.  This little beauty totally jumped out at me though.  For one I have a weakness for black kimono and it’s harder to find pieces that are not super formal in black.  Secondly it’s a komon which means it’s pretty informal but I can dress it up or down to suit my tastes.  It also has a lovely little stream pattern with non-descript  pink flowers.  I do really like water motifs since my astrological sign is a water symbol. 🙂  So anyway I buy this piece and the whole thing has just snowballed into me buying up stuff to coordinate a fully summer ro outfit!  I’ve also got my hands on a pink ro nagoya obi, have a ro juban coming in the mail and just yesterday purchased a ro obi-age and obi-jime set!  I’m pretty proud of myself for getting past my fear of coordinating an outfit and just going for it!  I even have an event to wear this too in early June as I should be hosting a kimono panel for colossal-con. To top the outfit off I’d like to find a nice pair of dark geta with either green or pink straps and I found this cute little fan with frogs on it I may pick up here in a few weeks.  So far so good and tax refund well spent!

About reddelilah

I am an LMT by day and a Kimono and Geisha lover full time.
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